Posteo custom domain reddit Want to know if any of you guys know anything about it or would recommend it. Try Mailbox. 98 Skip to main content. It usually includes changing DNS records, which is done through the web interface of where you bought the domain. I have like 7 domains. For example, a professional tennis player pretending to be an amateur tennis player or a famous singer smurfing as an unknown singer. org - your private & business provider for secure e-mail, cloud storage, office & more. Posteo also does the searches in a single folder. me solves that. org hat keine Aliase (die mag ich sehr gern bei Posteo, eins für Social Media, eins für alles andere und den Hauptaccount benutz ich nur für Leute die ich wirklich kenne), dafür hat Mailbox. Posteo's FAQ sounds like they're trying to put a nice spin on their business/technical choice not to support custom domains. org and Posteo are more flexible on device support and encryption. Our Entry plan offers: Custom domains: 1 Folders : 1000 Labels : 100 Total storage : 1 GB Aliases : 20 In addition to Email, we offer many more tools such as Calendar, Drive, Contacts, Polls, Chat. org, I'm thinking of… Tutanota for €1. com instead of using youremail@mailbox. org's 3 euro/mo tier allows for custom domains. The major drawback I see is that they don't do custom domains, which would've been very cool. Like EA gaming, I use ea@mydoamin2. com, ns2. I'd go with a common TLD like . Für die eigene Domain betreibe ich nicht den Mailserver, aber war schon bei verschiedenen Anbietern, z. Another option is Posteo, which offers custom domain support and a focus on privacy and sustainability. It seems Migadu runs a mostly open source software stack. org, Posteo, and Protonmail. Jul 26, 2023 路 Custom domain is such a feature which requires compromising either anonymity or agency. From what I've observed on Reddit, some individuals criticize platforms like riseup. Per Zufall habe ich heute von goneo erfahren und nun stellt sich mir die Frage, wieso man überhaupt Posteo oder Mailbox nutzen sollte? Ich sehe das nicht einmal als Alternative sondern als das viel bessere Produkt oder übersehe ich etwas? Posteo, if you don't need to use a custom domain. Both have pros and cons, but I feel ProtonMail wins the location discussion. X-Resolved-to: *@fastmail. Posteo also don't support custom domains (claimed by some to be a privacy feature). us and it will have your full name address and phone number on the whois record. pub domain. Also, Tutanota with custom domain is cheapest afaik and it has a standalone desktop app as well. Actually I started with Proton but I moved again (hooray for custom domain and MX records) couldn't live without a properly working IMAP, because Proton Bridge is rubbish. Posteo does not support one key feature: receiving email at a custom domain. So check that too. So the domain is like "George Ortiz's", very personal. I only use domains that I can enable the domain privacy Based on Office 365 FAQs, they only support domains registered with GoDaddy. My regular name@icloud. org has more features, such as a usable web calendar with popup-notifications which sync via CalDav, online document editing and collaboration suite, For example the . com if you want to go classical, you appreciate the universal value of a . Posteo seems to be the best option if you want a service you pay for from a professional team with solid business goals. I use about 19 email addresses, but the 'display part' always gives my name even if email address is "office2 at office dot domain" whereas personal emails always have "name,name-office15 at office dot domain" 110K subscribers in the ProtonMail community. You'll need a correctly configured smtp server to do so, with SPF, DKIM. None of the email provider has it except fastmail. org etwas weniger als posteo, aber dafür gibt es noch die Option auf Cloud-Speicher und Office für 3 Euro im Monat. If you want to post and aren't approved yet, click on a post, click "Request to Comment" and then you'll receive a vetting form. But i dont want to change all my accountname@owndomain. The point about Posteo is just that is you register a domain, that domain can be linked to you, thus leaking personal information. Posted by u/ad4lipi - 2 votes and 3 comments Seems to be some issues. I'm already using custom domains and need to be able to carry that over. Posteo offers email to be encrypted at rest (it's advertised as such at least), but does not offer custom domain support. Please read the cited FAQ entry again: > On the other hand, own domains need to be registered to the name and address of a person. Another issue that I find problematic is that they recycle email addresses and don't support custom domains. Say goodbye to spam and reclaim your privacy. i want to use posteo. Finally our solution is much more than an individual tool: you have Group spaces that allow you to share mailboxes, calendars and work together on But you also have to pay someone to host your domain. When using a custom domain you own, you're in control and you can move away. Posteo does look from '90 (even if you don't use webmail and just occasionally want to tweak some settings). K12sysadmin is for K12 techs. I started to remove a letter one at a time until eventually it accepted it. And you want to invest a few bucks in your own domain. Tutanota. You can add up to five domain email accounts, both Send As and Receive, to a free Gmail account, and you may or may not want to tick the setting to 'leave a copy of the emails on the (origin) server. de (abbr of my firstname+my lastname+. org. K12sysadmin is open to view and closed to post. Also unlimited domains. i was positively surprised by how most of them are straight forward and honest with their replies even to hard questions that didn't always shed a good light on them. Hello, I first read about Migadu in Drew deVault's blog post about email providers. Passionate about something niche? Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Each registrar is different; if you can’t find it, ask site support. Feb 15, 2022 路 I tried to find out if you can use Posteo with a custom domain. Don't forward your domain email to Gmail, just add your domain email account TO Gmail, and use Gmail as your client. Mailbox is also more user-friendly and does offer custom domain option (which I missed at Posteo, even though they claim it's a feature). com) Saying pm. org to the list of possible choices (I ended up with them since posteo didn't allow custom domains at the time – this may very well have changed by now – IDK). However usability-wise, Mailbox is lightyears ahead. Disroot is free while Posteo and Mailbox. Paid plans start from €5 and allow for additional features, custom domain, and increased message volume 馃煚 Yes (Pluss Plan, €5. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. IIRC, ProtonMail is around $7/mo for that same feature. War vorher bei FastMail um Mails auf meinen Domains empfangen zu können. That's the plan, PM will have main domain from my custom domain and can use it for aliases, etc and I'll use aliases for gov needed accounts, like banks etc Regarding Posteo, I think it's a problem that they recycle email addresses and don't support custom domains (which could mitigate the risk of that). I am trying REALLY HARD to leave Google for my personal email. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Custom domains. Configure DNS with MX records. You do not need any other mail providers besides Apple/iCloud. The main factor in choosing will probably be that proton is non-standard protocols only (ie: no IMAP, POP or SMTP) and is thus difficult (ie: impossible) to use besides 馃煝 Free Plan - 500MB, 1 address, no custom domain. Vorteil: Datenschutz und leider nicht mehr Reguläre Hoster: 1&1, goneo schon ab 50 Cent gibts 15 GB und ne eigene Domain. Custom domain A: One "real name" email address (myname at mydomain) This address I give to real (important) people My main calendar also uses this address In case the email providers vanishes, I can just switch provider Custom domain B: SimpleLogin generated email aliases (random-alias at anotherdomain) Mailbox. org seemed like it had some good options. Fast Mail, Mailfence or Runbox , if you don't really need encryption, but only a not-scanned-for-marketing-purposes service. Works great. You can also add custom domains which gets you additional addresses. We are working to get 33mail removed from these blocklists because our aliases are just as good as an actual email address unless the user decides to block them. But, you can set your own login email. com, and ns3. The use of custom domains with personal plans is no longer supported. Tutanota for €1. reddit@domain. com, . Definitely one of the most feature complete solutions available too. com (think it's a danish company) and within one. But then I agree they do lack an option and the consequence is that you cannot move your address to another provider and if they go down you loose your account. It is, however, possible to add various other email addresses with external domains as senders in the webmail interface and thereby to send emails with Posteo using external domains. Like bank account. For newsletters and other services like that I hide my domain by using SimpleLogin that forwards emails to the lastname. The service is very affordable, yet goes above and beyond to ensure the privacy of its users mailbox. Personally, I endorse riseup. No matter what, there will be a day in the future where whoever you move to will shut down, or do something you don't like. This feature is very underrated, since when you tell people your email, they are used to the big providers, and if you tell them protonmail you most likely have to spell it out (it's even worse with tutanota. I was reading a lot about privacy focused email providers and I like runbox. It also allows me to connect my custom domains (all managed and registered via cloudflare) to them and I can piggy back off their standard/basic email, which meets my needs, I get unlimited accounts and don't have to fight the reputation/spam battles. Protonmail & Tutanota are build with privacy in mind. Thx Both ProtonMail and Tutanota are solid options. You can't search across multiple folders. That's completely their choice - but they're hardly an unbiased source for information about the utility of custom domains. pub (I got pub because it was dirt cheap and because I use it for what pub means: public). Runbox is ticking lot of my requirements. I haven't tried any of those, but I did glance over their info and websites a while back and recalling that Mailbox. On their free tier! Please note that the info on PG isn’t updated, since it states that custom domain is only available on paid tiers. The feeling is that Posteo is designed to be used primarily with a mail client. If you need to switch, you should consider purchasing a domain and configuring ProtonMail to use that domain. I have around 5 different email accounts that I need to move over. Otherwise, you must provide the name servers for your DNS provider. It's quite simple and most email services that allow you to use custom domains will walk you through about 10 minutes of steps to configure it. Alternatively, find out what’s trending across all of Reddit on r/popular. One step up is to use that custom domain with something like SimpleLogin or AnonAddy and give each service a unique email address on your custom domain (e. That's the best I can offer since I haven't actually used any of them. me. In Posteo you can simply paste a picture on a message like you would do with mailbox. Posteo would be an option but the exchange rate just makes it too expensive here. Tutanota doesn't allow POP3/IMAP access because it's not private enough and Protonmail isn't much different with its bridge support. Das hat 50 USD im Jahr gekostet. I don't know why there would be a character limit that small on a domain. I know i can probably do a lot simpler with a custom domain but i still haven't learned enough about them and ,in my opinion, am too much uninformed to consider them. com, don't add any subdomains), and your domain should come online within 5 minutes! We will automatically create SSL certs for your domain. Small and not important, but only TCP is required to open on your firewall. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now If there was such a service like Posteo/Mailbox that was completely free, I would stay far away from alias on go when composing. I have a domain that is my full name (firstlast. de to username@posteo. Posteo is in Germany- ProtonMail is in Switzerland. Servers located in Germany and powered with 100 % eco-friendly energy. Not the webmail. com web client. Proton Mail is a secure… You have the alternative to use the domain pm. In order to be able to read replies to these messages, you need to set up forwarding to Posteo for the external address. Sep 9, 2024 路 Custom domains cannot be owned (although they can be hired through a proxy, which defeats the purpose of using a custom domain for email) without disclosing personal information. org for hosting my mail. When you get your domain and custom domains become available on iCloud, you will need to set up proper MX/TXT records that Apple tells you to set. org isn't difficult -- there's no app, so you would need to use the stock email app or K-9. If the idea of yearly renewing a domain name is too much for you, gosh, I wonder how disorganized your life is. de domain, something like GOrtiz. Custom domain Email - multiple accounts integrated + working calendar Webmail with search Secure, and as privacy oriented as possible Preferably dedicated Android and IOS apps Not required Godaddy domain hosting Good privacy record Not too costly / user account Some free aliases / groups Posteo has no support for custom domains, if that's something you need, the response is very clear Mailbox. Glaube Mailbox. The service is very affordable, yet goes above and beyond to ensure the privacy of its users On Professional and Visionary plans, additional accounts are subaccounts of the main account, so no possibility to bill them independently. I now use . It's very interesting since "de" is the pronunciation of possessive case in my native language Chinese. com. Ich nutze Posteo als auch eine eigene Domain. Both providers are good choices for you. org are 12 Euros per year. Domains kann man nur für ein ganzes Jahr kaufen. org addresses. SImpleLogin will have it's own sub-domain from my custom domain. Here's an example from ProtonMail. 0365 Family Plan is showing support for 1 domain, what 0365 plan supports the multiple domains as described below? Custom domainsYou can add up to 5000 domains to your subscription (including subdomains). Ich denke Posteo möchte einfach nur Ängste schüren, damit niemandem auffällt, dass sie keine eigenen Domains unterstützen. I also do similar, forwarding my gmail-hosted-domain to my personal-gmail account, with some custom forwarding rules for certain cases. Even before I recently moved the email for my domain from Google Workspace to Fastmail, I set up an “AnonAddy” account with several aliases that go into a Posteo account, so now the email for my domain on Fastmail only receives email from organisations like my bank, doctor, etc. They also accept cash-by-mail payments, and you don't even need to do the conversion to EUR yourself. I would strongly recommend to only use it with a custom domain, because they recycle addresses under their own domain, i. after giving it some thought i came to the conclusion that i think im more concerned about privacy rather then anonymity. I've been reluctant to give them a shot because they don't accept bitcoin, but after zero customer service response at mailbox. 00/m) 馃煚 Yes (Professional Plan, €8. 馃檶 mailbox. For me this is important. And you'll have to change your e-mail address again. Allowing custom domains would oblige Posteo to collect this information. Mailbox can be a bit of a faff in terms of some features but most are fairly simple. All you need to do is update the custom name servers to the ns1. Posteo works via IMAP so works on a mobile device via an email app. org and Posteo allow you to use your own client (on a computer and mobile) and can use GPG, which puts the trust onto you to handle your encryption keys (which I feel is far safer). One of the minimum requirements is to have a DMARC policy of "quarantine" or "reject". Although the last two don't offer e2e, you can DIY the security to make it as safe as possible. mailbox has more aliases support and custom domain which may be useful down the road when needed. 99 a year which seems reasonable to me, I think it then goes to £23. org Fastmail CTemplar Criptext Tutanota Protonmail self-hosted using mail-in-a-box Some offer no free tier, Protonmail only offers 500MB on theirs, and others offer 1GB-2GB. Datenschutz besser als bei US-Diensten aber eben nicht der Hauptfokus. Set up a rule to throw emails sent to the burner into a separate inbox with the messages automatically marked as read so they don't generate notifications. And I'll use email per party/service. Ich finde evtl. Jan 28, 2025 路 Founded in 2009, Posteo is a respected secure email provider based in Germany. wow thank you for that, you made me think more on what i wanted to achieve. The nice thing is that the custom domain can be added to Facetime and iMessage. I resolved that by using a combination of both services. org eingerichtet hast, bist du fein. Almost any mail forwarding service will do this for you, and can forward mail received at your custom domain to a Gmail account. wirkt eine E-Mail-Adresse "@mailbox. Reply reply Top 9% Rank by size I would recommend a custom domain if you can afford it. co domain you can use, and of course you can use your own domain if you sign up for a premium account (currently $1/month). I do not like it. Interestingly enough it’s the receiving side that needs an external service. 50 GB iCloud storage, private relay (hides IP and protects traffic), signing up to services using hidden e-mail addresses, and custom e-mail address. g. Posteo has a good reason for this: doing so would require they store the assignment of the domain as unencrypted user information, which violates their privacy promises. So you might have your private email address me@myname. if you ever leave them someone else can register your old @mailbox. You can make this the moment you fix that forever by getting your own domain name that you can take with you wherever you want. This does not happen on masked emails on a custom domain (yet). I. The other domain is lastname. ' easy. I need an email host that allows custom domains. Bezahlt und trotzdem nur 2GB. Benutze Mailbox. I had been grandfathered. Since your threat model is essentially "non-Google", you could extend your search to such providers as Posteo (close to Mailbox), Runbox (100 aliases) and Mailfence (free plan). Email on your custom domain is actually in two parts. Get your free 30-day trial 馃憠 No credit card required, anonymous and with no strings attached! Just follow the links below. Die gehören streng genommen meist nicht euch, sondern dem Registrar, der euch ein Nutzungsrecht einräumt. org it's even more featureful. After you buy a domain, there are a few steps that you must complete before you can receive email on that domain: Set up name servers. Sometimes your domain provider even provides some kind of auto-setup. Posteo uses "none". Posteo : can be paid in cash, does not allow custom domains. Der Registrar behält dann jedoch alle Rechte an der Domain. Get your own domain name. don't host domains. Also, Posteo does not have a DMARC policy (p=none), which is a big no-no for an email provider IMO. Support for minimun of 3 custom domain emails Minimum 25 e-mail aliases Now, I'm not really sending any private emails, I just don't want my email data to be sold or read for any random reason. Custom domains cost more money though, so it also depends on the different ways of each person. com domain, and you would like to promote Tutanota just by using your email (thus increasing the chances that your correspondents open a Tutanota account themselves, allowing you to communicate in an end-to-end encrypted manner with them, automatically). Once your domain is setup, you can forward mails in different ways. com logs in just fine, am I missing something here? Is the specific 'iCloud' login system not compatible with custom domain Once you start adding add-ons/extensions to Tutanota (storage, addresses, more domains, ability to send calendar invites; to mention the common ones) the price gap to ProtonMail gets quickly reduced to a minimum. I personally like Elude, Posteo, Disroot or riseup mail. Im Light-Tarif bietet mailbox. Ad-free, encrypted & anonymous. Posteo doesn't seem to see it as that big of deal since they allow IMAP/POP3 access. There are a few differences. And the Office 365 Personal plan is 70$ (same as Google Workspace), with the caveat that it will stop supporting custom domains for emails starting with November (so they'll probably be supported only in one of the more expensive plans). Then it doesn't matter if a company turns sour or shuts down, you can port your domain to a different provider and you don't need to tell all your contacts your new address or log into a hundred websites that use your email to update all of them. Don't make the mistake of thinking ProtonMail (or any other 3rd-party service) is eternal and/or that they won't change their service. I’ve been playing around with a lot of different email providers in the last 4 years (fastmail, runbox, posteo, tuta, protonmail) and I’ve settled with Posteo because I don’t need to pay for lots of high level encryption, when there’s only one person I contact regularly who uses protonmail as well. I see people commenting positive and negative things about them, benefits, security risks, so for now i chose what i chose and maybe in the future once i learn how things work Randnotiz: Finger weg von monatlich bezahlten Domains. Maybe I'm missing something simple, but this information doesn't seem to tell me WHERE to put these numbers/my domain. When both are pitted against Outlook/Gmail, Tutanota definitely lacks in the amount of free storage however Skiff is equal or sufficient enough for an average user. That's why I'm looking into thexyz. I also don't want to ever be locked to a specific provider forever just because I'm using their email addresses. Some problems are identified with Android. We're happy to introduce a family option in Tutanota! 馃槏 Now you can use Tutanota with your entire family. Proton mail aliases personally. Unfortunately this is true, however 33mail has an alternate 33m. ‘We have 4 excellent providers already. Tutanota has better pricing for using your own custom domains. I also want to move my custom domain from my current provider and sync my calendar… No matter which provider you pick: get yourself a custom domain name to use with them. I decided I didn't feel like including another party and I pay for ProtonMail If you want a custom domain, mailbox. us domain did not allow for anonymous whois data. I've used mailbox. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. If it bothers you, you can always get your own domain but not with Posteo, because they don't support custom domains. org" etwas professioneller als "@posteo. com for hosting my domain and mailbox. 1stdomain. They also recycle email addresses, so there is a risk that someone can grab your old address if you ever leave. Mailbox , if you're not afraid by slightly quirky services. all-inkl & netcup (aktuell). I mainly use different custom domains to distinguish between the three uses. That's it. A) receiving mail at your custom domain. All in all, a great email provider, and you've made a good choice! PS: You might as well want to check out mailbox. So yeah I am a little unsure of what to go for. de. Official subreddit for Proton Mail, Proton Mail Bridge, and Proton Calendar. These cost typically €2-3/month Mailfence, startmail, fastmail and the rest of common mail providers are pretty basic non-E2EE and non-privacy focused services. I have my domain hosted at one. If tutanota, does it, I will use them or protonmail. I don't like protonmail and posteo doesn't allow custom domains, is mailbox. net for their perceived leftist, anti-capitalist, or socialist affiliations. Multiple inboxes. Was ich bei Posteo auch noch mag ist das soziale und netzpolitische When I detached my custom domain from Microsoft, I was told that I wouldn't be able to set it up again (with Microsoft) without buying a business plan. de) . Mailbox : cloud storage, online office suite, non-standard 2FA, quirky way of doing things at times. com) and use either my Apple ID password or an app specific password I requested, it won't work and says details are wrong. I pay one. It is simple to do. Emails are not private to the recipient, so sender should include names in email address if possible. , they start off with a free tier version, and then the next version requires 3-4 euros per months for loads of extra features. I have a custom domain so I have a main mail destination and then a burner. When I signed up for Proton I expected to be paying for a custom domain and not having my emails read for targeted ads, the fact that they'll go as far as challenging court orders when they seem overly broad or not related to any crime is a bonus and shows Proton's commitment for user privacy. You can't add a domain to Microsoft 365 that you're already using in another Microsoft cloud service. The second CNAME rule you created doesn't make sense to me. I use bank@mydoamin1. The mail client on Big Sur or iOS 15 beta does not show the custom domain yet. If money is the concern, then Tutanota might be the better option since their lowest paid tier is only $1/mo and let’s you use your own domain. From my research I have found 2 providers that sounds price worthy and have the requirments I want. Add mailbox. I suspect many on this forum will prefer privacy focused services, regardless. All your DNS settings are setup at DigitalOcean. no custom domain support is the greatest drawback. Posted by u/Novitiate_Redditor - 1 vote and 7 comments yea i was talking about the unlimited plan only, thinking of going with simple login/anonaddy subscription and posteo combination. at the moment im not trying to become anonymous, im trying to regain some privacy,i just I want OP was asking about hosting the MX for the domain, as I read it. B) sending mail from your custom domain. I have contacted multiple Email providers like tutanota,protonmail,startmail,riseup,countermail and posteo regarding some of their privacy practices and options. A celebrity or professional pretending to be amateur usually under disguise. Essentially whenever I try to add my custom domain email (name@custom. I can forward my mails from my own domain (german Webhoster) to posteo and write back with an alias. TLDR: Mailbox. I'm sure a few domain providers provide a limited but yet free email hosting plan with their domains but I don't recall any at the moment and probably assume that they have shifted towards email forwarding, which in fact you can use since some domain registrars like porkbun provide email forwarding, so does Cloudflare. Posteo can (opt-in) encrypt metadata Posteo has no custom domains I personally use Posteo. Some domain name sellers will provide DNS for you. pub etc. This should be made clear to readers of the Guide, and the custom domain requirement should be dropped. icloud. Andy Schwartzmeyer found out the long answer. Was sie schreiben gilt prinzipiell bei selbst betriebenen Mailservern, aber wenn du deine Domain nach den Angaben von mailbox. Godaddy is offering the domain I want for £17. Hello everyone, I am getting ready to ditch iCloud, gmail and the rest for an email with my custom domain. There should be something in your new provider to use the custom DNS or custom name servers. Note that this almost always requires a paid account. Subaccounts can also only be registered with addresses under custom domains registered on the main account. Mailbox. I'd only add that you can get a custom domain for $8 to $12 year, that's it. I believe most other email providers (Startmail, Gmail, Outlook, etc) will do this. 00) 馃煚 Yes, but through Bridge 馃煝 Yes (2021, by Securitum) It is, however, possible to add various other email addresses with external domains as senders in the webmail interface and thereby to send emails with Posteo using external domains. The author of the post is the developer behind Sourcehut (a 100% libre open source replacement for GitHub) and was pretty honest and disclosed that a while after recommending Migadu, they entered into a collaboration. I just made a post about email, and i was recommended to use custom domains so i researching about it. com records. com). mailbox. ProtonMail uses its own app that is Proprietary. org Onlinespeicher und man kann eine eigene Domain verwenden. org for its strong privacy policies, support for custom domains, and ability to create multiple email addresses. Posteo has no advantage over these other providers. Ich nutze gefühlt seitdem es Posteo gibt Posteo und bin super zufrieden. For custom domains you'll be on a paid tier. To add content, your account must be vetted/verified. tld" and should not need a wild card on DNS. Reply reply ladynettle With custom domain there is still reference to your fastmail address in the header. The gaming account. Bei Mailbox habe ich jetzt (für meinen Anwendungsfall) die gleichen Features für 12 € im Jahr. I don't like paying for domain email feature which I use once in while. So if you have a custom domain, you can set it up to login with youremail@yourdomain. org or Protonmail. (i'm on the posteo website rn so i'll link that, ill link the rest later once im home, if i remember) Posteo Mailbox. com I don't know if this is important to you, but as far as a tool to write emails with calendar, address book, notes and other features fastmail is light years ahead of many offerings. Why? I got tired of fighting through all the challenges that self-hosted email brings. As others have said, e2e encryption, encryption of calendar and contacts, runs on green energy, and the price is amazing. Great link. I have Tutanota setup for family and use Tutanota and Protonmail as my main emails. pub, hbo@lastname. :) I think the us domain still does that, and maybe some others. Da ich eh immer externe Mailprogramme nutze, ist mir die Weboberfläche egal. Encrypts all incoming mail via simple login/anonaddy, calendars and contacts with passwords, with simple login i have a lot of domain and alias support, with posteo can send someone client side encrypted pgp mails with third party client and don't ever have to Man sollte an der Stelle vielleicht auch anmerken, dass mailbox zwar custom domains unterstützt, dass damit allerdings auch wieder ein Stück Anonymität verloren geht, weil man dann über den Registrar (also die Instanz, woher du deine Domain beziehst) wieder personenbezogene Daten über die erhalten könnte. Just point the domain to your new mail provider. net as a service committed to combating digital surveillance, without necessarily associating it with specific socialist ideologies. Then, if you switch providers again in the future, you don't have to also change your email address. I understand it resolved your issue, but your certificate should be against the second level domain "ha. (i'm on the posteo website rn so i'll link that, ill link the rest later once im home, if i remember) Jan 28, 2025 路 Founded in 2009, Posteo is a respected secure email provider based in Germany. Oct 27, 2018 路 Using Posteo with a Custom Domain Email Comments, Questions and Miscellaneous Jan 14, 2025 路 I still use my custom domain, but I do it through Fastmail. true. And the short answer is: no. In other words, a custom domain might not give one as much portability as one might imagine. The video has to be an activity that the person is known for. If you want to go the custom domain route, I use porkbun. Posteo I've never used because they lack custom domain support. de", zumindest für Leute, die Posteo nicht kennen. I have an iPhone, so these features are far above what TutaNota and Proton can provide, and they work more flawlessly due to remaining in the same Apple ecosystem. org my best option? Things I don't like about posteo No domain support Not listed on privacy guides No feature to share files via website link. You will need a paid account on either to have a custom domain. com am I a pointing my domain at mailbox. com instead of username@protonmail. I've tried Tutanota, but the SaaS products I use block that domain. com), when I put it in, a message says that the domain is invalid. Of the three, for paid service, I do recommend Posteo. net, or . ’ I disagree. Posteo has its no custom domain stance. A custom domain is invaluable in the case that you want to switch mail providers, cause you just point your domain to another provider. Protonmail has a better android client. digitalocean. It offers 10 GB on free tier AND custom domain. 馃憦馃榾 I implemented it for my blog and so far I’m happy. B. Finally, add your domain name to the box below (just the yourdomain. For this domain I have a catch-all and use it as netflix@lastname. That way if you want to move providers again you don't have to change a bazillion email addresses. But is this still secure? I want to use posteo because of the Mail, calendar and adressbook encryption. I'm not keen on ProtonMail and Tutanota's pricing options. healthcare I use healthcare@mydoamin1. For example the . The alias thing doesn't appeal to me because it feels like a hack, and iirc bypasses posteo's spam filters, rendering them useless. org has more features, such as a usable web calendar with popup-notifications which sync via CalDav, online document editing and collaboration suite, Datenschutzorientierte Dienste: Posteo und Mailbox, gerne auf Reddit empfohlen. I'm a Posteo user after switching from Runbox. 2 provides 1GB of storage with 1 custom domain support whereas Skiff for $3 provides 15GB of storage with 1 custom domain support. If you were able to use own domains with us, this would affect the entire concept of Posteo: we would need to start saving user information for all customers who use their own domains with us – and to provide these to the Federal Network Agency to be provided on . I already know why they don't allow true custom domains, it requires them to know the whois of the domain which could expose your personal information such as name & address. This is what I do. com or tutamail. If you would like to send an email using the custom domain you have to use the beta. e. In addition, it also doesn't accept all the top level 19 votes, 27 comments. kicnj isirc tkyrvsq xmpjuv sthww lkyi laljcqm dxxtyrm ewejddh fuhwao gbxu icvyz oani xoikthp yap